English OnlyBlog Talks Podcasts Streams Notes2025Photos PageMar 12· 3minAsync, Sync, in BetweenMar 3· 18minMove on to ESM-onlyFeb 5· 15minEpoch Semantic VersioningJan 7· 8min2024Introducing Nuxt Icon v1Nov 25· 20minInitiative on Sponsorship ForwardingApr 20· 10minRefreshed Nuxt ESLint IntegrationsApr 10· 15minIntroducing ESLint Config InspectorApr 5· 5min中文开源的心理建设Mar 16· 25min中文Mental Health in Open SourceMar 16· 25minThe Evolution of Shiki v1.0Mar 11· 20minThe Magic in Shiki Magic MoveMar 4· 15min2023Nuxt Devtools v1.0Nov 13· 20minAnimated SVG LogoJul 19· 10minStable Diffusion QR Code 101Jul 10· 35minRefining AI Generated QR CodeJun 30· 16minStylistic QR Code with Stable DiffusionJun 25· 15minHow I Manage GitHub NotificationsMay 17· 20min· GitHub Maintainer Summit 2023GitHub Maintainer Summit 2023Sliding Enter AnimationMay 7· 6minIntroducing Nuxt DevtoolsMar 27· 12minDevelopment Experience with NuxtFeb 9· 25min· Vue Amsterdam 2023Vue Amsterdam 20232022Bonjour Paris!Dec 10· 6minDev SSR on Nuxt with ViteOct 4· 15minWhy I don't use PrettierOct 1· 12min中文为什么我不使用 PrettierOct 1· 12min中文Why Reproductions are RequiredMay 30· 9min中文「请提供最小重现」May 30· 9min中文2021Ship ESM & CJS in one PackageNov 29· 15minIcons in Pure CSSOct 31· 10min中文聊聊纯 CSS 图标Oct 31· 10min中文Reimagine Atomic CSSOct 26· 25min中文重新构想原子化 CSSOct 26· 25min中文Journey with Icons ContinuesSep 10· 15minAsync with Composition APIJul 16· 17minAbout Yak ShavingMay 19· 10min中文关于 Yak ShavingMay 19· 10min中文Composable VueApr 28· 30min· VueDay 2021VueDay 2021Develop with ViteMar 28· 18min· Vue BeijingVue BeijingReflection of Speaking in PublicMar 27· 5minWindi CSS and Tailwind JITMar 18· 8minTyped Provide and Inject in VueMar 5· 8minRewrite in ViteJan 31· 10min2020Destructuring... with object or array?Oct 21· 8min中文import { reactive } from 'vue'Sep 26· 25min· 滨江前端沙龙 2020中文滨江前端沙龙 2020Watch with @vue/reactivitySep 18· 12minJourney with IconsAug 16· 7minMake Libraries Working with Vue 2 and 3Jul 1· 5minVue 3 Migration NotesJul 1Type Inferencing in VueJun 28New HouseJun 12· 2min