English OnlyBlog Talks Podcasts Streams Notes2025中文代码之外 Beyond CodeFeb 19中文2024Nuxt JS with Anthony Fu - Software Engineering DailyMay 8Vitest with Anthony Fu - At Artem'sFeb 142023中文Web Worker - 和 Anthony Fu 聊技术开源、共建协作和前端思考Oct 20中文中文TechniCality - Anthony FuJul 22中文中文Mike Cheng - 從剛畢業到開源專案的辛酸血淚史May 7中文Teach Kelvin Your Thing - WTF is UnoCSSApr 10PodRocket - Developer Experience with NuxtMar 22Learn with Jason - Fast Unit Testing With VitestFeb 22022Akamai Developers Edge S3 - Sharing Code with Open SourceOct 6PodRocket - Vitest and VueUse with Anthony FuSep 9Vite 3 Announcement with the TeamJul 23中文模拟面试 - TS 体操 TwoSumApr 18中文中文模拟面试 - 我看你Vue写的挺好的,10K五险一金考虑一下Apr 15中文中文funnyCoder #4 - Vue 和 NuxtLabs 核心成员 Anthony Fu 的开源人生Mar 7中文devtools.fm #25 - Vue, Vite, Vitest, UnoCSSMar 4React Wednesdays - Vite and Its EcosystemFeb 25JS Party #214 - Vitest && SlidevFeb 172021中文ByteTalk #6 - 跟 Anthony Fu 聊聊全职开源和他的故事Dec 9中文中文Vue Shenzhen Meetup - Anthony Fu 线上访谈Nov 2中文Enjoy the Vue #62 - Shaving Yaks with Anthony FuMay 24Views on Vue #144 - Exploring Vitesse with Anthony FuMar 2