Anthony Fu @

Netlify Redirects

Feb 20, 2021 · 5min

Domains Redirects

On Netlify, you can setup multiple domains for a site. When you add a custom domain, the is still accessible. Which would potentially cause some confusion to users. In that way, you can setup the redirection in your netlify.toml file, for example:

from = "*"
to = ""
status = 301
force = true
  • * and :splat mean it will redirect all the sub routes as-is to the new domain.
  • force = true specifying it will always redirect even if the request page exists.

Site Names Redirects


Unlike domain redirection, sometimes you would need to rename the Netlify subdomain name (a.k.a site name), for example to After you do the rename, people visiting will receive a 404. And since you no longer have controls over, you can’t just setup a redirect in your new site.

A solution here is to create a new site with your original name xxx and upload the redirection rules. In this case, we can have netlify.toml like this:

from = "*"
to = ""
status = 301
force = true

Note you don’t have to link a repo to that, Netlify offers a great feature that let you drag and drop for static files and serve as a site. So you can just save netlify.toml and upload it, rename the site to your original name. The redirection is done!

> comment on bluesky / mastodon / twitter
> cd ..
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