Anthony Fu @

Anthony Fu

Hey, I am Anthony Fu, a fanatical open sourceror.

Working at NuxtLabs
Creator of Vitest Slidev VueUse UnoCSS Elk Type Challenges
Core team of Vue Nuxt Vite
Maintaining Shiki Twoslash ESLint Stylistic

Dreaming up ideas and making them come true is where my passion lies. You can find my full projects list here. I also do some generative-art, compform, interactivity experiments on

I give talks and write blog posts about open source, coding, tutorials, etc. Occasionally, I also do some coding live streams on YouTube and 哔哩哔哩.

Outside of programming, I enjoy doing photography and traveling. Some of my photos can be found on Instagram. Right now I live in Paris. If you are around, feel free to reach me out, we could have some coffee or work together.

Find me on

GitHub Mastodon Twitter Discord Server YouTube Instagram 哔哩哔哩 知乎 微博

Or mail me at

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CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 2021-PRESENT © Anthony Fu